The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) is the leading international advocacy organisation for pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students. Founded in 1949, Australia was one of eight founding countries of the IPSF, which now represents over 100 countries around the world. The IPSF promotes improved public health by providing information, education and networking opportunities, as well as a range of publications and professional activities.
Initiatives run by the IPSF focusses on public health, pharmacy education, and professional development, which aim to enhance clinical and industrial pharmacy knowledge, and promote awareness of health disparities.
The IPSF has five regional offices including the Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO), of which NAPSA is a member. APRO works to represent the IPSF in our region by tailoring events and information to what is relevant to our area, and fostering a sense of community between the Asia Pacific Member Organisations like NAPSA.
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Every year, the IPSF hosts the IPSF World Congress in collaboration with one of the IPSF Member Organisations. IPSF World Congress runs for approximately 8-10 days during the July-August period, and is an opportunity to network with students from all over the world. The Congress is filled with education sessions, workshops, competitions, and social events, which allow you to develop your pharmaceutical knowledge and meet new, lifelong friends. You also get the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, and learn from other delegates about cultures around the world.
IPSF APRO also hosts an annual event, called the Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (APPS) which is organised by an IPSF Member Organisation in the Asia Pacific. APPS is held in July and offers a complete conference experience, just like IPSF World Congress.
As an IPSF member, you are entitled to apply to join IPSF or IPSF APRO committees! From July each year, keep an eye on the NAPSA socials for information on how to apply, or email our IPSF Director at for more information!
The Student Exchange Programme is the IPSF’s largest project which offers pharmacy internships to students and recent graduates (up to 4 years) in any area of the Pharmaceutical Sciences. Every year, more than 1000 students worldwide get the opportunity to experience the field of pharmacy in a different country. The program runs throughout the year and usually lasts between 2 weeks and 3 months, with a minimum of 40 working hours per exchange.
NAPSA is responsible for hosting the Student Exchange Program in Australia, and is responsible for sending students overseas for placements. Generally, the student will get allocated to a pharmacy, depending on the field of interest, and will get help from the host country to find accommodation. Before, and during the exchange, the student is supported to find the best places and deals and to make sure they are comfortable in the new environment.
Many will do a two-week placement, to allow themselves time to travel around the country for a week or more afterwards.
To take part in the IPSF SEP, you need to firstly register on the IPSF Database. Once in, you will be able to see which countries are open for the SEP, and some information from their student exchange officers. You will then be able to put in an application, and choose your top three preferences. Once you do this, the host country will be able to see this and start the process of either accepting or declining the application.
In the past, NAPSA has hosted students from South Asia and East Europe. We are hoping to expand this, and host students from other parts of the world. We have also sent one student to Germany for her placement. If you are interested in taking part in the SEP, please reach out to get all of the information!
What some students had to say about their SEP:
“I liked visiting beautiful places in Australia and getting to know the culture. Also, I liked seeing what it’s like to work in a pharmacy in Australia and learning about pharmacy business, pharmacist’s obligations and health system in Australia.I would recommend it to everyone, because SEP is a great opportunity to get work experience and travel to new places.” – Anita
“This experience has helped me both professionally (a nice addition to my CV) and personally as I have never lived, studied or worked abroad before. To organize and plan a trip all by yourself, to save all the money, to work in a foreign language, to meet people from different cultures, I think there is nothing better for a young mind. I highly recommend everyone going to the IPSF exchange. And don’t go there only for work, but also to discover new places, new faces and to have some fun before your 40 years of 9 to 5 starts. I miss this summer everyday. I’m glad I did it” – Matej
“I was happy that I learned about so many differences between Japan and Australia. It was good that I could choose the time that I worked, so I was be able to experience Australia in my free time. Also everyone was really kind. Actually I’m a pharmacy assistant in Australia now. My friends who met when I came to Australia supplied references for me. That helped me a lot.” – Yanagita
I liked everything. Just the fact that I traveled to Australia all by myself and stayed there for two months was huge for me. I worked for 3 weeks in the Pharmacy, and then I also traveled for 5 weeks across all Australia, I also went to New Zealand for a month and to Fiji for a week. I stayed with a host family (a student and his family took me into their home) and they were amazing. Such a nice family. I still miss them. – Matej
NAPSA acknowledges our First Nations people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways and pay our respects to elders past and present. We acknowledge that the land we live, work, and play on, always was, and always will be, Indigenous land and that sovereignty was never ceded. NAPSA recognises their connection to Country and role in healthcare over thousands of years.
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